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Plast Eurasia 2023 32nd International Istanbul Plastics Industry Fair
Plast Eurasia Istanbul 2023, 32nd International Istanbul Plastic Industry Fair was held in TUYAP Fair and Congress Center on 22-25 November 2023.

Plast Eurasia Istanbul 2023, 32nd International Istanbul Plastic Industry Fair, 1,375 companies and company representatives from 43 countries and 67,249 sector professionals from 112 countries came together in TÜYAP Fair and Congress Center on 22-25 November 2023.
Every year, we enjoyed hosting our esteemed visitors at our new design stand at 4th Hall at this fair which is expected to be enthusiastically and brings together all the sector stakeholders.
We had the opportunity to present our new products to you at the fair, where we received intense interest from many local and global company representatives for 4 days.
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